Orders are shipped using UPS, USPS, Canada Post, DHL, or FedEx.
Orders placed before 12:00 PM EST are processed for shipment within 1 business day. Orders placed after 5:00 PM on Friday will be shipped on Monday.
Once your order is shipped, you will be sent a tracking number to the email address you provided so please be sure to check your spam box. The merchandise is insured during the transit time until the goods are delivered to the specific address you provided, at which point the responsibility of the purchased goods passes to you.
If your order is not delivered within the timeframe specified at ordering, we will notify you and try to rectify the situation as quickly as possible.
Shipment processing time may take 1 – 2 business days longer during high-volume seasons.
Custom duties and taxes may be applied to international packages. As local customs authorities regulate charges upon delivery, please consult your local customs website to learn more.
Orders that are returned due to an incomplete or incorrect address will be shipped again at the customer’s expense.
International same-day delivery is not available.
International orders are shipped by DHL or Canada Post.
All International Shipping orders are subject to a flat rate shipping fee of $85 USD.
Orders placed before 12:00 PM EST are processed for shipment within 1 business day. Orders placed after 5:00 PM on Friday will be shipped on Monday.
Once your order is shipped, you will be sent a tracking number to the email address you provided so please be sure to check your spam box. The merchandise is insured during the transit time until the goods are delivered to the specific address you provided, at which point the responsibility of the purchased goods passes to you.
Custom duties and taxes may be applied to international packages. As local customs authorities regulate charges upon delivery, please consult your local customs website to learn more.
If your order is not delivered within the timeframe specified at ordering, we will notify you and try to rectify the situation as quickly as possible.
Shipment processing time may take 1 – 2 business days longer during high-volume seasons.
Orders that are returned due to an incomplete or incorrect address will be shipped again at the customer’s expense.
International same-day delivery is not available.
Due to shipping restrictions, Revelle does not ship to the following countries:
Belarus | Democratic People’s Republic of Korea |
Libya | Russia |
Iran | Somalia |
Syria | Ukraine |